Welcome to JP Courses! Check out our JP COURSE’s below! Register to solidify your seat!

Reexamining Our Language as Higher Education Professionals


The mission of the JP Course, “Reexamining Our Language as Higher Education Professionals” is to provide a space for professionals to reflect on the language they utilize both on the job and in their personal lives.

Success will be defined by each participant in this course. All participants will be asked to reflect upon their identities and how they impact/influence their journey. JPHigherEd will provide the tools, space, and forum for this work to be done.


The format of this JP Course includes the following:

  • Five weeks of content sent directly to your inbox
  • Content will be provided in the following formats: videos created by JPHigherEd, blog posts created by JPHigherEd, and guides created by JPHigherEd
  • Every week there will be a self-reflection piece that will ask you to reflect using various prompts
  • We will connect you to professionals who are in your functional area/niche
  • Mentorships will be formed and developed

Learning Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will

  1. Be able to identify the use of oppressive words, phrases, and concepts within their own language
  2. Be able to actively address oppressive words, phrases, and concepts used by friends, family, and colleagues in an effective manner
  3. Be able to cultivate inclusive communities by utilizing proactive, inclusive language practices

Time Commitment

This is a self-driven course. This means that you are free to spend as much or as little time as you’d like. If you fully participate, it is estimated that it will take between 1-4 hours of your time each week.

It is important to note that some weeks may take one hour while others may require four hours (for folx looking to fully participate). The reasoning for this is due to certain activities requiring outreach to other higher education professionals.


(Utilize form to register for this course)

Five-Week Career Development Plan for New Professionals


The mission of the JP Course, “Five-Week Career Development Plan for New Professionals” is to provide a space for graduate students and new professionals to map out a path to career success.

Success will be defined by each participant in this course. All participants will be asked to reflect upon their identities and how they impact/influence their journey. JPHigherEd will provide the tools, space, and forum for this work to be done.


The format of this JP Course includes the following:

  • Five weeks of content sent directly to your inbox
  • Content will be provided in the following formats: videos created by JPHigherEd, blog posts created by JPHigherEd, and guides created by JPHigherEd
  • Every week there will be a self-reflection piece that will ask you to reflect using various prompts
  • We will connect you to professionals who are in your functional area/niche
  • Mentorships will be formed and developed

Learning Objectives

By the end of this JP Course, participants will be able to…

  • Identify at least three professional strengths
  • Identify at least three areas of refinement needed as a professional
  • Map out multiple avenues of success paths to achieve their future goals
  • Identify at least one mentor

Time Commitment

This is a self-driven course. This means that you are free to spend as much or as little time as you’d like. If you fully participate, it is estimated that it will take between 1-4 hours of your time each week.

It is important to note that some weeks may take one hour while others may require four hours (for folx looking to fully participate). The reasoning for this is due to certain activities requiring outreach to other higher education professionals.


(Utilize form to register for this course)