“The Charlottesville Syllabus”
“The Charlottesville Syllabus is a resource created by the Graduate Student Coalition for Liberation to be used to educate readers about the long history of white supremacy in Charlottesville, Virginia. With resources selected and summaries written by UVa graduate students, this abridged version of the Syllabus is organized into six sections that offer contemporary and archival primary and secondary sources (articles, books, responses, a documentary, databases) and a list of important terms for discussing white supremacy. Only “additional resources” are not available online (but can be found either through JSTOR, at the library, or for purchase).” [Pulled directly from source]
“On Student Affairs Educators and White Supremacy” by Alex C. Lange
“This is for the White folx who are doing all sorts of “this is one incident” wish about #Charlotttesville and manifestations of white supremacy on college campuses across the U.S.” [Pulled directly from source]
Upcoming Webinar: To Talk or Not Talk About Politics: Navigating the Trump Era with Your Students
“Waking up every morning to an executive order that has drastic effects on the communities you love can be challenging and overwhelming. What do you do when you get to campus? Do you talk about this with your students? Is there a staff group you are able to visit? Learn how to navigate these challenging moments. Take away strategies for communication, building alliances and self care strategies for navigating isolation.”

“Resources For Educators To Use In The Wake Of Charlottesville” provides a compilation of a handful of resources that educators can use when discussing the violence and hate witnessed in Charlottesville, VA. “The Charlottesville Syllabus” is also included in this source as a resource for educators.
Syllabus for White People to Educate Themselves
This is a collection of articles, essays, videos, books, and resources. The target audience for this collection is White people. Some of the topics that this document discusses include:
- “We can start by facing the fact that the United States has always been and is still currently a white supremacist state. For many of people in color, this election wasn’t a surprise–it was a confirmation of their fears.”
- “How exactly do white supremacy and systemic racism operate? How have we been complicit in reproducing racist ideology?”
- “A history of #BlackLivesMatter.”
Towards the “Other America”: Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives Matter by Chris Crass (shared publicly over social media platforms by Chris Crass)
“Chris Crass calls on all of us to join our values to the power of love and act with courage for a world where Black lives truly matter. A world where the death culture of white supremacy no longer devours the lives of Black people and no longer deforms the hearts and souls of white people. In addition to his own soul-searching essays and practical organizing advice in his “notes to activists,” Chris Crass lifts up the voices of longtime white anti-racist leaders organizing in white communities for Black Lives Matter. Crass has collected lessons and vibrant examples of this work from rural working class communities in Kentucky and Maine, mass direct action in Wisconsin and New York, faith-based efforts among Jewish communities, Unitarian Universalists, and the United Church of Christ, and national efforts like Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) and Jewish Voice for Peace. ( Abstract)” To purchase this book for your collection click here.
“Upcoming Webinar: Black Love and Empowerment: The Healer of Anti-Blackness on College Campuses”
“The JPWebinar, “Black Love & Empowerment” explores the historical use of anti-blackness on college campuses. Black Love & Empowerment will provide participants with an opportunity to identify ways on an institutional, departmental and individual level to empower blackness through a lens of collective responsibility. Facilitators will share their personal experiences of anti-blackness and how it has affected their professional journeys as black queer professionals.”
“Ku Klux Klan: A History of Racism” via
“This [is a] report on the history of the Ku Klux Klan, America’s first terrorist organization, [and it] was prepared by the Klanwatch Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. [The] Klanwatch was formed in 1981 to help curb Klan and racist violence through litigation, education and monitoring.

“Exclusive: Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy”
This article provides readers the audio of an interview with Lee Atwater about the “southern strategy.” The southern strategy is Atwater’s approach on, “…how Republicans can win the vote of racists without sounding racist.” This article provides readers an overview of racially coded political strategies.
“Public Education Materials” by Equal Justice Initiative
This source is an extensive list of articles, books, essays, and other resources that assist people in learning about racial justice. This is just a list of sources. Please be aware that there are no hyperlinks in this resource.
“Upcoming Webinar: Diversity Training, It’s Played Out: Cultivating Real Change in Higher Ed”
“In this powerful facilitation, Amberly R. Carter will provide participants the necessary skills to engage with colleagues on topics of diversity in a new and more effective way. Amberly will share with participants the experiences (both good and bad) that have developed her into a bolder diversity advocate. By the end of this facilitation, participants will be able to utilize Amberly’s action-driven strategies for navigating the politics of higher education to create sustainable cultural change on their college campus.
“We’re here to learn from our mistakes, but if we’re not learning, there are just mistakes day after day, year after year, until life goes by.” – John de Ruiter”
“Confronting White Supremacy: Lessons from a Counter-Rally at the Birthplace of the Ku Klux Klan”
“[A] conversation with Laura Goldblatt, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia, and Mimi Arbeit, an organizer with Showing Up for Racial Justice, a group working to end white supremacy and make reparations in the city of Charlottesville.” This article is about the organization of the counter rally on July 8, 2017 in Charlottesville.

Creator: Becca Barad / Retrieved from Twitter
“What we Need White Allies to do about the White Supremacist in Virginia”
This article provides readers a few actions steps that they can do to support Black and Brown folx in Charlottesville. In addition, it provides White people some actions steps that they can do to educate themselves about racial justice.
“Let’s Talk about Racism in Schools”
This guide provides educators a comprehensive resource on how to engage in anti-racism conversations and actions. This resource will provide readers guiding principles to follow to create brave spaces for these conversations, questions that educators should reflect on before engaging in this work, and how to inform our conversations.
“Whiteness in Higher Education: A Primer” by J. Michael Denton, PhD
This is a google doc of resources that critically analyze whiteness, white supremacy, and racism. This document was created through a higher education lens by J. Michael Denton, PhD.
“Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide”
“This guide sets our 10 principles for fighting hate, along with a collection of inspiring stories of people who worked to push hate out of their communities.”
“If The Clashes In Charlottesville Have You Rattled, Here’s How To Help”
This article provides an extensive list of action items people can do to help advocates fight for racial justice in Charlottesville, VA and across the nation.
Please feel free to add additional materials that are not listed above in the comments sections. We will do our best to add those documents to the main body of this message so that folks can reference the material easily.

This post was written by Jamie Piperato.
JP is the founder of JPHigherEd. JP is a higher education consultant & speaker. She received her bachelor of science at SUNY Cortland in kinesiology with a concentration in sports studies and a masters degree in student affairs in higher education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
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